Hey there, please create/wrap some files yourself so that wrapster grows. Don't just download and disappear!!! If you have a Cable/xDSL/T1+ then please leave napster running as long as you can so that others can share! When naming a file please have "Wrapster" in it somewhere so that it makes it easier to search for. Thx ;) PS - if you use the Napster Server tool - please add the IP's you use most to this file. Thx From Justin Adams A.K.A. Denerii(not the writer of this doc.) The best server is celtic.napster.com The reason is because it is the one with the most Wrapster files. If you are downloading this from me(Denerii), also download Serials 2000, it is a program that has cracks for (I mean this) MILLIONS of programs. If you have a demo program that requires a registration key, this should have it. Enjoy. TAGNot A Winamp File Wrapster File